new LOVE . .

     i just fell in love with someone . .na twu spe ????

                                                                      DRUM ROLL


                              jeng . .jeng . .jeng . .

        tadaaaaa . .itss  . . .NEW RISING IDOL TEEN TOP ..
                                  so its official now that im an ANGEL(teen top official fan name) . .


                                     just love their new song 'no perfume on you . .'

mtv concert B2ST . .

omo . omo . my seobie jatuh mse at KLIA ..hancur luluh aty aq . .cian at yoseob . .<crying>
aq hope b2st ta regret dtg ke MSIA . .aq lom sempat na jmpe face to face ag . .wawawawawa <burst into tears again> . .

ap2 pown concert dywg rocks . .but its too noisy to enjoy their music . .the girls r busy screaming !!!
i hope seobie cpt bek yup . .
b2st .aza .aza .fighting



BEAST (stylized as b2st) is a boy band from south korea that consists of six members ,under cube entertainment.the group was originally known as B2ST an acronym for BOYS TO SEARCH FOR TOP. however ,their name was changed to BEAST (BOYS OF THE EAST STANDING TALL) a few days before their debut



birth name : yoon doo joon
date of birth : 4 july 1989
position : leader , rapper , vocalist


birth name : jang hyun seung
date of birth : 3 september 1989
position : vocalist


birth name : yong jun hyung
date of birth : 19 december 1989
position : main rapper , vocalist


birth name : yang yoseob
date of birth : 5 january 1990
position : main vocalist

my oppa is the main vocalist of beast. noted to be the 'CUTE' member of BEAST .


birth name : lee gikwang
date of birth : 30 march 1990
position : lead vocalist , main dancer


birth name : son dong woon
date of birth : 6 june 1991
position : rapper , vocalist

sedikit sebanyak bout my fav korean boy band
kansammida :)


anyeong . .
    ini first time aq tulis at blog ny . . so my first entry will be  biodata aq right .:P

  full name : farah wahida bte mohd isa
     nickname: faraH
  umo : 15 taon !
    hobby : ske hang out wit my unnies athen , era , ayien , ainul and surf internet loh . .huhu cam da ta kje len .:P
          minat : KOREAN ! ! MANIAC .
    ambition : na jd doktor eventhough aq cuak lw 6pk darah yg bnyk . .but demi cita2 aq ur aq an atasi fear ur .cayok fara !
            status : aq pown ta twu. huhuhu strange right ?!
   trademark : kw da np ??tebiat ea . .
                       anyeong . .
                        kansammida .:)

 sila tunjuk ajar so dat blog aq an chantek cam kowunk punye yup !!!

copyright© cheekypurple☺